
Why on earth would a raid lockout conflict happen if your 0/14 and RL is 1/2/3 etc/14 ? that would not be a conflict.

Is there some sort of issue as to why it does this .. or cannot be fixed?

this happens all day on all of my chars now .. how can one just disable these lockout checks in the first place assuming the RL was lame enough to select soo subtype.

Trying to do siege on 1 char and garrosh on a few others and every group is raidlock conflict when there is no conflict at all.

also, lets not get started on haveing a H lockout and joining a normal (or is it all the same problem)

It is a great mod and all but since these lockout checks have came its been a massive pain in the ass and nearly unusable except for fresh runs now.

Same thing here happens alot if i try to clear N /w a H lock. Now its happening with my reg guy that has never seen a H trying to get into a 545 group .. guessing they didnt clear any H. Searched around now and cant find any fix .. anyone know how/where in the code this stupid check is being done to just turn it off completly and fix everyones problems .. maybe?

Yea same thing i think since most recent update -- exact same situation where i had a H/lock and went garrosh farming.