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OQ having even more issues with "Raid Lockout Conflict"

I'm having ever more issues with the Raid Lockout Conflict bug. I have 2-3 toons that raid during the week (some Heroic, some Normal), and 5-6 able to down Garrosh... Right now, I get Raid Locjkout errors on toons that have not set a foot in SoO this week, on toons that have done it partially.... It seems as if as soon as I have an Heroic tag on any toon, and the OQ's RL also has an heroic tag, then the error happens ?
clarification: "the error happens" **for all my toons**

Same thing here happens alot if i try to clear N /w a H lock. Now its happening with my reg guy that has never seen a H trying to get into a 545 group .. guessing they didnt clear any H. Searched around now and cant find any fix .. anyone know how/where in the code this stupid check is being done to just turn it off completly and fix everyones problems .. maybe?