
EU... deleted oQ from my Addons folder - downloaded again - and works fine (both sides - alliance and horde)...

lets see how long it last now ;)

already reported this a few days ago - then you got the new version out and it was all fine for 2 days...

10mins ago i reloged to my horde char (1st time after i instaled the new version) on different server and it started to freeze - now it freezes on alliance also?!

can't start the game anymore with oQ on any char/server...

think they don't care - its just a company that cares about profits like all the rest...

there has been so much server downtime in this expansion and 0 refunds of gaming time which clearly proves that they don't care about customers at all...

there is no ETA on the issue from blizzard so basicly there is nothing I/anyone can do...

have the same issue - game freezes 2-5 secs upon loging in...

tried with 0 addons - works fine...

tried only with OQ - frozen...

tried both with bnet app and without - frozen...

number of bnet friends - 86 - (don't have any friends added by OQ - removed all) - frozen...

running 64 w8...

Realm merge/non existant armory/chars and its affects on adding chars

After my realm (Shadowsong) got merged with Aszune all chars from Shadowsong can't be found over wow armory. (Blizzard is aware of this ''BUG'' since 1st realms got merged like half a year ago or something and still haven't fixed it).

Tried to add my chars to the site but its impossible (swaping gear means nothing when it can't find a char).

Is there some kind of workaround for this issue?


have the same issue...