Realm merge/non existant armory/chars and its affects on adding chars

After my realm (Shadowsong) got merged with Aszune all chars from Shadowsong can't be found over wow armory. (Blizzard is aware of this ''BUG'' since 1st realms got merged like half a year ago or something and still haven't fixed it).

Tried to add my chars to the site but its impossible (swaping gear means nothing when it can't find a char).

Is there some kind of workaround for this issue?


There isn't :(

Yell really loud at them here:

(it looks like you guys don't have a website bug forum like we do in N.A.)

Well actually, maybe they can manually. But you still won't be able to generate tickets if your amory doesn't work.

Unfortunately this bug with the API has been on going for quite some time. I think it just seems to clear itself up after awhile?

There really is no work around, as merely being able to access the character from the armory is a very crucial necesity.

Hopefully your realm will work itself out soon :(.

there is no ETA on the issue from blizzard so basicly there is nothing I/anyone can do...

It happened to me recently too, but only for like 3 days. But even that 3 days was an inconvenience so I can't even imagine 6 months! They made it clear to us that Armory is basically a freebie and does not have to be in working order. Which stinks because most people at this point consider it an integral part of their gaming experience. Maybe your sever should band together and start a post asking them to address the issue, rather than ignore it.

think they don't care - its just a company that cares about profits like all the rest...

there has been so much server downtime in this expansion and 0 refunds of gaming time which clearly proves that they don't care about customers at all...

I actually remember there being much MORE downtime at the start of WoW. Think maintanance EVERY Tuesday. I can't speak for EU of course but at least for NA they have gotten much better at that part.

Now as for not caring, that does seem to be what comes across. Granted, businesses are in business to make money and that I can respect. But the best way to retain customers is through excellent customer service which they seem to be lacking in some areas.

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