

figured you have to HOLD the sift key. not just press it.


thanks, rass. just tring to figure this out *scratches head*

i've only been in 1 raid thru oq. is oq randomly connecting me with other realm b-net friends or are these some of the people that were in my one oq-answered raid?
happened to me too. i was told to click the "find mesh" (not in game so i'm not sure of the exact text) in the lower right corner of the premades window.

i clicked and it began repopulating.

getting new b-net friends without being asked

ever since i dl oq, i've been signing on to find new b-net friends. i was never asked to accept them. is this a feature of oq? if so, what is it's purpose? how do i turn it off if i wish?

thanks in advance,

