getting new b-net friends without being asked

ever since i dl oq, i've been signing on to find new b-net friends. i was never asked to accept them. is this a feature of oq? if so, what is it's purpose? how do i turn it off if i wish?

thanks in advance,


adding b-net friends is the primary function that oQueue uses to create the cross-realm data communication mesh.

You can't really turn it off except by uninstalling oQueue or keep pressing the remove button, but your mesh connection will suffer in this case and oQ is not very usable without a mesh data connection.
thanks, rass. just tring to figure this out *scratches head*

i've only been in 1 raid thru oq. is oq randomly connecting me with other realm b-net friends or are these some of the people that were in my one oq-answered raid?
yes and no.

you would have been friended to the group leader, but that friendship would have been removed within 20 seconds of you joining the group.

the other oQueue added people are mesh connections. it's partially random in that people connect to one another when someone hits 'find mesh'. they usually do this to increase their connectivity and improve the data flow. we generally recommend hitting 'find mesh' when your connection (located in the lower right) sums to less then 20. when you do hit 'find mesh', you're requesting 6 randomly selected btags from the scorekeeper that have been active in the last hour. when received, you will try to auto-friend to them. if they are still online, you'll get a connection and they will start to send premade data to you as they receive it. if they're not online, then they will auto-friend the next time they log in.

you can remove yourself from the mesh by clicking the 'remove b-tag' button on the setup tab as well as unchecking 'auto accept b-tag mesh requests'. if you do this, it does limit the potential conenctions of those stranded on dead realms.

also keep in mind, you can remove oQueue added friends by clicking the 'all', 'offline', or '5' buttons on the setup tab.

if you want to see the btags of those added by oQueue and ready for removal, type:
/oq show remove

if you want to keep someone from being removed, right-click them on your friends list and set a note.

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