
I too would like the option to turn off raid lockout conflicts. Here's why:

A highly geared player advertises on their server in trade, looking for someone with a Garrosh lockout. They find that person and make a 2 person raid group with them. Guy with lockout is leader, enters SoO to establish instance at Garrosh trash, then passed lead to geared player. Geared player then makes Garrosh Kill listing on oQ. However, since he has no lockout this week, it shows up as 0/14. This now makes it to where my toons who have downed a fews bosses this week are unable to que for this listing because of raid lockout conflict. Now I run the addon SavedInstances ( I HIGHLY recommend for those with many alts) so I know my lockout on all my toons at a glance, so I don't need babysitting as to what raids I can enter or not.

I understand the benefit/utility of the raid lockout conflict in oQ, however I believe it should be optional so those of us who keep up with what the hell we've done for the week aren't punished by the limitations of the feature.

Thanks for listening.
Updated to 1.9.5.

Still not showing the number of users in a group correctly. Have a 25 Man Garrosh group showing just 9 in the group. I get invited and the group was already full to 25, so I got promptly kicked. Still 10 minutes later it is showing 9 in the group as they steadily keep bring down the percentage on Garrosh. Also, I cannot left click on the X and get out of the "wait List" for the group, even though i am no longer in it. I get the pebnding message and have the paper with the fold in the upper right corner so I can message the raid Leader. When i open that I can type in it, but it does nothing when I click send.
That is excellent news tiny. I look forward to this update.
This happens to me too and I HATE it. Please find a way to disable this.