Why is oQueue constantly removing any target marker icon from me

With oQueue enabled, any time I (or someone in my group) puts a target icon on me it's instantly cleared off every time. Soon as I disable the oQueue addon, this behavior stops. I see no documentation of such a "feature," nor a setting to turn it on or off. What gives?

Yeah it has done this to me since 1.7 came out, no idea why it does it. Removed Assist from every one in the raid and still does it, so now I put on pets.
This happens to me too and I HATE it. Please find a way to disable this.
the main premade tab is used to set markers on people... and it will also clear them out if none are specified on the main premade tab. this can happen if you manually set a marker

i've updated oQueue to not clear out a marker, only to replace. this should allow you to manually set the marker and not have oQueue clear it within the next 30 seconds.

look for that change in 1.9.1
That is excellent news tiny. I look forward to this update.
grrrr, *grumble* *grumble*... i was wondering which of my addons was doing this... i suspected RBS not oQueue... now i know why i keep losing markers on the tanks and other stuff, LOL
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