
Who was the winner?

I experience the same problem with oComms. I use Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Spanish version.

Nombre del evento de problema: BEX
Nombre de la aplicación: ocomms_0.2.0.exe
Versión de la aplicación:
Marca de tiempo de la aplicación: 5509ba94
Nombre del módulo con errores: ocomms_0.2.0.exe
Versión del módulo con errores:
Marca de tiempo del módulo con errores: 5509ba94
Desplazamiento de excepción: 00003a06
Código de excepción: c0000409
Datos de excepción: 00000000
Versión del sistema operativo: 6.1.7601.
Id. de configuración regional: 3082
Información adicional 1: c603
Información adicional 2: c603116210aed73709f66aed9636ba5c
Información adicional 3: 8ec7
Información adicional 4: 8ec77a9986f2dc3242bc860e637c9644

Icebox throws a very similar error.

Nombre del evento de problema: BEX
Nombre de la aplicación: icebox_0.1.4.exe
Versión de la aplicación:
Marca de tiempo de la aplicación: 54f2ad93
Nombre del módulo con errores: icebox_0.1.4.exe
Versión del módulo con errores:
Marca de tiempo del módulo con errores: 54f2ad93
Desplazamiento de excepción: 00012c04
Código de excepción: c0000409
Datos de excepción: 00000000
Versión del sistema operativo: 6.1.7601.
Id. de configuración regional: 3082
Información adicional 1: 392f
Información adicional 2: 392f8afee18df5d5ca1d656bce5ccec6
Información adicional 3: d1a0
Información adicional 4: d1a0c38ff55e4092cf87045cfe31c4c1

I'd prefer to receive my notifications via the site, although others may prefer by email or both.

Notifications when a favorited addon (or application like Icebox or Keyclone) gets an update would be nice.

A referral link would also be nice. That would prevent mistyping the referral's name.

I also experience this problem.

Hello. I saw a button with a rat (the pet battle critter type icon) which I've never seen before. What is it? The new "snitch" version?

One more question... Which runtimes does Icebox use?

Besides background processes, usually Firefox (where I'm posting this atm) and the client.

I don't know... If only I could post an error log for you to see what's happening...

I have IE 11.0.9600.17280.

One question... The changelog says that "icebox addon automatically removed as the icebox application starts up". But I don't have that addon as I haven't used the application before. Maybe the app has encountered a NPE while trying to delete a file that never existed in the first place?

icebox_0.1.2.exe stopped working

I downloaded the new version of Icebox client. However, when I try to run it, it appears the main window and says it's waiting response from server, and then the dreaded "icebox_0.1.2.exe stopped working" appears.

I tried re-downloading it, running it with and without admin privileges. I'm running Windows 7 x64.

So that's why I have a token. Well, thank you! :D

  • Make the Icebox app stop installing the Icebox addon, many of us don't like that behavior.
  • Integrate the data of the Wall of Shame with oQueue.
  • Customize our profile (add signature, BattleTag, etc).
  • The staff to post in another color (like MVP's green in the official forums) to differentiate them from the rest of us mortals.
  • After replying to a post, if there is a new page, jump to it instead (I just noticed after posting this).
  • An option to sort our characters on our profile. I particularly like to sort my characters by which one hit the level cap first, then level (high to low).