
It's really too bad. On the other hand it's nice that OQ has had such an effect that Blizzard is integrating a fair chunk of its functionalities into the base toolkit. A lot of finer things will still be missing, though, that's why I would personally want to keep using OQ.

New ilvl Rule

I don't know who to thank for it but THANK YOU whichever of you updates included the requested changes to ilvl. People will no longer be able to ask for high ilvl raiders to carry their undergeared friends (or themselves) without it being obvious in the OQ window, and that is incredible.

Exactly, Nephthis. It's already there, but it's easy to miss. It needs to be more obvious, or the ilvl requirement of a group needs to not be able to be set higher than its lowest member.

Bluntly, OQ needs to automatically update the ilvl requirement of a raid based on the lowest member instead of who created the group. FAR too often have I seen a raid leader asking for ilvl 560+ members ONLY, and then I see next to that 'lowest ilvl: 525' and SURPRISE, it's someone from the same server as the raid leader who was invited outside the OQ system. In other words, the raid leader is demanding ilvl 560+ raiders, to carry his 525 friend.

A raid leader should not be allowed to request ilvls higher than the lowest person in the group. This will force those carry groups down the list rather than make them appear as a highly geared raider group.