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oQueue & Website Suggestions Thread

Got any suggestions? Let us know.

I find when a project grows organically through the suggestions and feedback of the community, it's better able to address those needs and concerns. Don't be shy but please be patient... we'll do what we can.

And please remember... there's only two of us working on the site, oqueue and icebox. please be gentle

- tiny

It would be great to see the premade as a list showing the name, level, ilevel, class, talent (spec), and role with the options currently available as right-click menu on premade tab. Sorting is welcome :)
Thanks for the great addon!

Locally saved filter sets would be cool.

I have some complicated filtering setup when I want to look for RBG's, Raids, etc. Different combos of voice, location, premade type, and text filters.

Example - turn off everything except Arenas, set novoice, text filter for "3", and put a check in qualified to find 3's yolo premades that I'm qualified for.

I'd like to be able to setup my filters, and "save" it as a set, giving it my own name. Then it could appear on the "all premades" pulldown menu in a custom section. Kind of like armor-sets but with filter options.

If that makes any sense.
Note when you lose 1 karma point for decay as opposed to being down-voted.

- You've lost 1 karma point (decay)

That might make it more clear. Although then you'd have people asking what decay is lol.
make it stop updating list all the time or make an stop button, cant even fucking click on the waitlist
Hold shift, and the list pauses.


Thanks for a place to post these :) oQueue is a wonderful addon and I'm happy to have sent beer regardless of suggestions being implemented. Some of these were mentioned on the FB group awhile back, just collating here and adding a couple.

* When oQueue is manually disabled (go dark), don't restart oQueue when the character equipment screen is loaded (too many times during a raid that I swap gear around).

* [deleted, I found out I had oQueue all the way to the left and my personal info mouseover window wasn't showing up]

* A way to hide premades from the list (for instance, if I've queued up and been removed from a queue, let me hide that one since they're obviously not looking for me) ... or ... show groups I've queued and been removed from with a visual indicator (like a grey highlight or greyed premade name on that line).

* A way for the leader to send questions to people in the waitlist (not the reverse, I see your reason for not allowing the reverse). Maybe a temp friending with the leader able to unfriend after the messages are sent or maybe a method of prompting for question/answer.

Reason for the above: That way I don't join a group needing me to have an offspec I don't have only to get bumped when I say no (not a big deal if I'm -only- oQueued, but a hassle when in other queues since we get dropped from the queues when invited to group.

* A way to add a personal note to our character that leaders can see when waitlisted (like, "OS is heals" or "no belts")

* Show leader's class/spec (color the leader name with class color and put spec on the mouseover information). Especially in a 10m raid the chances of getting into a run when you're the same spec/class is pretty low.

(Seeing the entire party's composition (for instance to avoid trying to join a raid full of people who need the same gear as you), without names, would be handy but probably a bigger hassle than it is worth.)

* Huge addition, but would be very useful, a reverse waitlist system that lets you select the raids you are interested in. Similar to how Blizz's works now but that no one uses. Would be especially handy if you could post this list on your main toon and have it stay active while on alts for those times when you are camping something very specific. That way leaders could browse users that haven't yet waitlisted their specific raid.

All of those are very good suggestions other than:
* Huge addition, but would be very useful, a reverse waitlist system that lets you select the raids you are interested in. Similar to how Blizz's works now but that no one uses. Would be especially handy if you could post this list on your main toon and have it stay active while on alts for those times when you are camping something very specific. That way leaders could browse users that haven't yet waitlisted their specific raid.

oQueue will always been looking for more, rather than looking for group. Looking for more means a leader creates a group, and they are looking for more people to waitlist for their group. This leave the burden on the waitlisters to find a group, rather than the group finding them. We want to encourage leadership. Having a "LFG listing" would be counter productive to this goal as we feel people will not make that transition to becoming a leader, if they can just list themselves and wait all day to be invited.
Def needs to be easier and more free for me to use. Jk, I want more shaman players to DL the addon. Lets work on that.
* A way for the leader to send questions to people in the waitlist (not the reverse, I see your reason for not allowing the reverse). Maybe a temp friending with the leader able to unfriend after the messages are sent or maybe a method of prompting for question/answer.

Reason for the above: That way I don't join a group needing me to have an offspec I don't have only to get bumped when I say no (not a big deal if I'm -only- oQueued, but a hassle when in other queues since we get dropped from the queues when invited to group.

I whole heartedly support this post. As someone who constantly makes raids rather than joining others, I would LOVE the ability of whispering people in the waitlist. To ask about their offspecs, ask them about knowing tactics - asking them if they speak english at least. (I'm on EU). This would prevent a LOT of wipes and save a lot of time.

Another bonus is me telling the people in the list to be patient because I usually like to invite once the raid is almost complete (in the waitlist). That way they don`t have to stand around in the raid without being able to do dungeons or quests or etc.

So yes , leader being able to whisper people on the wait list would be amazing.

Another suggestion I would have is about Karma. I love Karma, the idea of it and I really do take a look at it when inviting people. But it needs to be more prevalent. Like a window appearing after you exit a raid with all the members and you can vote up or down, vote up on all, vote down on all, or just skip. I think most people are too lazy to give karma unless it's staring them in the face and this amazing system gets overlooked.
(Also quick question that Karma button when it says all up or all down does it mean the people you're currently in raid with or?)

P.S. LOVE the new website.