
Thank you for the solution for the freeze issue.

Since the issue I had taken an old version of OQ (as I said), and by the way, I changed in the mean time the oqueue.lua and oqueue.lua.bak in SavedVariables.

Today I put back the latest version of OQ and I have so far no freeze issue.

But if it happens again, I will try the proposed solution and if this persists, I will send you the oqueue_saved.lua.

Thank you very much anyway!


Allow me to answer that because I have the same problem since the last Oqueue update.

The first 2 days after the update were good. But after that, after entering the game with a character on wow, 5 seconds later, the game freeze with no way to change application. Yet (as in Mac OS X), the rest of my mac keeps turning (music, internet browser, ...). I am therefore forced to stop wow with "force to quit" tool.

I tried to repair wow / delete my cache files and some wow data. But after extensive research, it is the add on Oqueue causing the problem, I do not know why. So I'm forced to play without.

So until it is resolved, I took an old backup on the previous version.

Hope this is resolved in the next update.

(Sorry for english. I'm French on EU servers - Ally)