
Thanks Tiny! No, I dont mind carrying a lowbie, although I cant carry an entire group of them. When I specify my minimum requirements, I dont understand y my wait-list fills up with a big bunch of 509-540, when I ask for 545 & ^! I did download the Ogear (thank u very much), that helps me identify. The bug appears to b fixed now, I think. I really appreciate u taking the time to respond to my posts!!! It helps so much :D

OK!! I downloaded the Ogear addon u offer & seems to fix my problem with not being able to inspect. But I would still like advice about Oque not sticking to my ilevel requirements. Thank u!! :D

Hi Tiny!! Thank u for a great way to connect with other players to complete events. It really is awesome. Although, I do have an issue with the new release. I'm not sure where I'm supposed to post it, so I will try here. I do not like not being able to see my groups ilevels. I run a normal SoO 10M raid twice a week. One for my super geared druid that is 570+ group & one for my lower ilevel shaman for 545+. I do respect all levels & don't mind a carry once in awhile, if he is a skilled player. I bring them up & cannot see anything about their gear. That's not been good this weekend. People with que with their high ilevel spec, then get into the group & change gear. I don't always know it until another group member catches it, then gets upset for me bringing a "carry" & leaves. Not only that, but it has an ilevel minimum on the creat premade tab. For instance tonight, I entered 551 for my shaman's group. Then my wait-list consisted of players as low as 509?! I did have the "enforce ilevel bracket" checked. Am I doing something wrong?! I can't get it straight. Thanks, again.

Ah, I will pay more attention to that information. Thank u for the details. Also, I realized when making a group, u can check or un-check the roles or classes u actually need. Mayb that's it?! So frustrating. :P

Yeah, thanks Nerien, but I don't think that's it. U cannot make a group with a minimum ilvl higher than your own. Thanks tiny. Tried for a raid today, ilvl qualified & on my qualified list; not accepted: not qualified, version 2.0.1. Thanks!!

Yeah, I don't understand how people list a raid, ilvl ++++, showing up on my qualified list, then denied for "not qualified" or "ilvl too low" ???!!

I got it this time! Thank you very much!

Im having this same issue. I have downloaded & deleted it like 7 times. Any updates Tiny?

You have to log out of WoW for the update to take effect :)