
The addon community has no interest in you stealing their work and using it to increase traffic to your ad-ridden website to keep this sinking ship alive.

TenTonHammer attempted to do this exact same thing 2 years ago with a website called "WorldOfAddons", which never got off the ground because of the massive backlash from the community.

Again, we do not need to formally request you remove specific addons, you need to remove all of them, then ask permission from the authors if you can rehost their work.

You can't legally rehost the addons, it's a copyright violation and there are legal consequences for not getting permission prior to copying them.

You seem to be under the impression that because they are free to download that you can redistribute them however you want. Addons are not owned by blizzard, they are the intellectual property of the programmer, and you are in for a shitstorm of DMCA notices if you do not take them down.