
Picture-Freeze after relog or login Oqueue 1.9.7

Hi There tiny!

Zhax a lot for this freat add-on you've created - something I'll have to say in first place. Without it, many things I've achieved with my charakters, I wouldn't have without OQ. Thx mate :)

Now to some problems that ocurred since the release of 1.9.7 which I've recognized. When using 1.9.7, you often get a freeze on your monitor some seconds after you've logged in or after you have relogged. It is not always the case but I was able to reconstruct this bug very often. All other Addons have been checked, too and even Drivers etc. have been updated to check if the problem comes from there. With version 1.9.7 active and all other possibilities checked, the problem remeins the same.

After deleting 1.9.7 an testing with it's predecessor 1.9.5 I still had a cope of, everything worked fine. Tried it the whole afternoon and no problems occured. Now, after switching back to 1.9.7, the problem is back again. With older versions you are often unable to join a lot of groups that are of interest for you, so version 1.9.7 is needed.

Can you have a look into this matter? Besides, I am not the only one with this issue, I read about several other players, having the same problem.

Greetings and keep up your great work!!!
