
I understand that issues with battle.net are beyond your control in the sense that you have no power to influence battle.net as you are not a blizzard employee. But the fact that it hasn't happened a single time without oqueue installed seems to me that oqueue is somehow the cause of the battle.net disconnects. I don't know if you are requesting data in a way that blizzard doesn't like, or if there is data being routed in a way that the servers determine as suspicious or what. But it is 100% that oqueue is the cause. I have confirmed 3 times today alone that it works on fresh install, breaks after a couple uses, and is fixed by removing it.

The only other addons I use is DBM, and my UI ElvUI but I have turned ElvUI off with no change, and DBM would cause basically every wow player to stutter so I doubt thats it. Running an i5 with 8GB of ram. Even changing the res to 800x600 doesn't help. I can be getting 200+ fps and the camera "bounces" occasionally. It isn't constant, just every now and then I notice it being weird. Doesn't really hurt gameplay but is annoying.

I notice if I fly from zone to zone, about every 10 ingame meters, oQueue memory usage goes up and up and up. After flying around a whole continent it goes from ~3Mb to over 20Mb. Don't see why it should be grabbing any world data that would do that, but I'm not an expert on the code side of things.

Eventually I just DC but the game client never recognizes that I am DC'd. I can fly around the entire world, and NPC's don't spawn in any city but I can travel for as long as I want, with alt + f4 the only way to exit.

I am on Comcast with a 30MBps connection and a sub 15ms ping at all times

Forgot to add that the addon also cause sporadic screen stuttering that is also resolved by uninstalling. Never a full freeze up, but almost like the camera is shaking. But maybe if it wasn't pinging battle.net every 10 seconds blizzard wouldnt boot us. That seems excessive

Nothing fixed for me. A fresh install of oQueue seems to work fine. I can use it once or twice, then the next time I log in it CONSTANTLY spams me with a message "Battle.net is down. oQueue will not function properly until Battle.net is restored."

I have tried not using the Battle.net client and directly opening WoW, but same issue. While I AM using the client I am successfully signed into Battle.net and can message friends from the Battle.net client no problem (but not from within WoW.) The minute I uninstall oQueue the problem disappears.

I can delete my oQueue folder, reinstall it, and then it works fine for 1-2 more uses before the issue comes back. This is definitely an oQueue issue or it wouldn't be resolved by uninstalling. Wondering if it has to do with the mass delete friends button? I use this almost every time I raid via oQueue cause I don't want people I don't know IRL on my list. (This is just a pure speculation suggestion I have no real evidence to back that up, just happens to be a piece of my puzzle.)

If there are logs or anything we can do to help report bugs let me know. On a side note, you need to make it not spam us so much when battle.net goes down. It is seriously like the last 50 things in my chat log. Once every 30 minutes would be fine.