

Tried everything and still cant make it work

still cant make it work fine, this is what ive got now

srry i didnt mean ingame oqueue i meant solidice oq group finder, it's working ok but i cant see any raids or party's

Sorry double post

It doesen seems to work on windowed fullscreen ocoms stays on null till i go windowed, btw is currently oqueue working? because i dont see any raid or people in it

ok now i made it work by changing the ocoms bind key, but now y go to group finder and says ocoms isnt runing

btw is there any way that ocoms works on fullscreen? its kind of anoying to play on windowed mode

tried it before when i noticed it was that, still doesnt work just spams on my chat ''''''''''''''''''

PD: if u want to make some changes or something pm me and i can let u handle my pc with teamwiever or something these are my advances setup options i dont see any ui scale option

These are my graphic options

another issue that i have is that when i open ocomms it starts spaming those simbols on my chat here u go only ocomms enabled

here you go no addons

My realm is sanguino-EU when i finish my raid ill post new screenshot without any addons