
I got that because i reset my karma everytime someone gives an unjustified negative karma (ragequit after a loss, rage when you say they fucked up), did this cause noone ever uses positive karma even if you got a good run so i'd have a negative karma for no reason but grouping with a rager

It's a quite unfair punishment, but it's poorly done so it's very easy to remove ,just go into your oqueue folder, region,, find your battletag in the list and delete it, grats you're unbanned

To tiny: i find kinda strange you can see the files have been modified, looks like you put a sort of spy in the addon folder and i'm not really sure you're authorized to do that, also you probably prevented a lot of players from playing just because they slightly modified their ilvl/karma/rating to get into a group, you'd better track real abusers/hackers

Up cause this is annoying and gamebreaking for everyone who does pvp

Arena rating requirement is a rbg rating requirement


If there is an arena rating requirement when you create/want to join an arena premade oqueue considers it as an rbg arena requirement, it's really annoying both if you want to search for someone or if you want to join a group + when people queue you only see their rbg rating (you can check the armory but it's very hard with russians for example)

I think it affects pretty much everyone doing arenas with oqueue so a fix would be very appreciated

Also i like a lot the late changes showing achieves in 2s/3s/5s but is it not possible to show the cr in these brackets?

Keep up the good work

Bug related to arena rating requirement


I've found a bug, the arena rating requirement sometimes becomes a rbg rating requirement sometimes (it's not always the case, i don't know when it happens), for example i've been able to queue in a 1750 3v3 arena group with my druid who had 1739 in arenas and 1850 in rbgs, and sometimes i'm not able to queue into groups when i'm qualified for them like this (i had the ilvl requirement, rating, and it didn't show something like invalid class when i used the wait list button)

Also sometimes when i created a 3s group the rbg ratings were showing up instead of the arena ratings for the people who queued, and even when they were invited in the premade group

I can't really tell when this happens or not but it definitely happens, sorry i can't give more details, hope i helped