I got that because i reset my karma everytime someone gives an unjustified negative karma (ragequit after a loss, rage when you say they fucked up), did this cause noone ever uses positive karma even if you got a good run so i'd have a negative karma for no reason but grouping with a rager
It's a quite unfair punishment, but it's poorly done so it's very easy to remove ,just go into your oqueue folder, region, realms.eu/us, find your battletag in the list and delete it, grats you're unbanned
To tiny: i find kinda strange you can see the files have been modified, looks like you put a sort of spy in the addon folder and i'm not really sure you're authorized to do that, also you probably prevented a lot of players from playing just because they slightly modified their ilvl/karma/rating to get into a group, you'd better track real abusers/hackers