Newer Instructions
Do you have any newer instructions because I am getting something weird. I am trying to dualbox wow after several years and after getting through the license question I get very odd results. In command editor I have wow1 set to region 1.1, wow2 set to region 1.2. In maximizer I have display 1 split in half vertically. I also have the game setup to have a windowed screen.
When I click connect I get a wow logon screen about 90% of the screen.and then a white window with a button that says 'OK' in it on the left half. Then over that I get a second wow logon screen about 90% of the overall screen and over that I get another white window with a button in it that says 'OK' now on the right half of the screen.
The keyclone box says wow1 kmap(r1.)
wow2 kmap(r2.)
If I click either of the buttons marked 'ok' one of the sessions closes and is removed from the keyclone screen.
Any ideas?