
Earning points is fun losing points aint fun. specialy if you aint doing something wrong. i do alot of raids single or multibox style. always respectfull but to lose karma if im in a group with myself !?!>?!? i didnt put karma down on myself :P

and also on very weird thing being in a raid just farming frogs gained me karma

doing dungeons with my own chars gave me -7 karma.

to lose al 8 karma points?

few mins later 7karma points got added

think something isnt working right i have the chars linked in the multiboxer only part. and set here on my accuont aswell

nice having 8 karma.

im a multiboxer logged at 8 accounts on the same btag id.

X-you have lost 8karma DAFUQ

Soo (gold)Boosters oQueue

I dont know about you guys, but lately i see alot of ppl making 25m Soo runs mostly Garrosh there 2 ppl making the raid.

Raidleader mainly invites high ilvl players

Raidassistleader is selling the Run/kill on his server for gold. and the gold is shared between leader.

If you say something about it you get kicked. If you dont say a word you probally get a few wipes and a kill. then the raidleader is going to do a roll to the whole 25m in the raid. 75% that dont need the loot hs out. and dont press need or greed.

i waited that moment. 6 ppl that got boosted get the loot for there spec. some of them even bid more gold on the items.

I want those ppl to be removed or let others be warned for there runs. But i dont have the btag id of the assist. And the raidleader claims to not know about anything.

let me know what you think about it.

You all wanna boost ppl for free while others recieve gold in with your help.

Lets find a solution to prevent this in wod