
Question about Karma?

So I'm curious.. How long does someone's bad karma stay on them? If they were say -25 how long would it take for that to drop off?

Bnet down?

Anyone else have oq saying bnet is down? It keeps telling me it's down to relog, but BNET is up and running for me in the background, even after a relog it says the same thing!

I think the stigma of oh a garrosh kill will be too much for people to ignore the red name lol

Yeah I noticed he's been doing the same thing back and forth between toons.

Karma updated!

Karma page updated!!

Yeah I'm trying to do that now! I wish there was a way you guys at OQ could ban / remove a person from using the addon!

Okay thanks!

He is now in the OQ system under the name paladin with all kinds of special characters. Once the clear was done he logged into that name and started a new flex 4, Garrosh zerg! His battle id is Steven#11887

Abuser in the OQ system

Today a user name Janice - Stormrage invited all to clear the trash up to garrosh claiming it was a garrosh run. After we got to garrosh he kicked all. The a in his name had a mark over it as well.

Thank you for the reply!

Hey Tiny, quick question. While in pending looking for premades, I sometimes see Garrosh (30%) is that the health level he's at?