
Given how often people are confused by this, I think updating the wording of the hint and of the help screenshot would be useful. I'm guessing that people don't understand the implications of 'pause'. A useful update to the hint would be, "Finding the list update too fast to click? Holding SHIFT on the find-premade tab will visually pause the list until released, to allow easier selection." For the screenshot help, not sure how to make it a single word that is informative, but note that 'SHIFT' in the picture is the key, while all the other one-word hints are intended actions, like filter and reset, again with people asking here so often, people aren't understanding. Maybe SHIFT TO PAUSE LIST would be better, even if longer than the others' one-word explanations, to work in the intended action into the explanation.

I think a little update like that would cut down on people repeatedly asking this question in the forums.
Well you're wrong there, the update takes less than 10 seconds using icebox, and that's 10 seconds I will never get back. Also, please bring me snacks, I'm feeling hungry and mom isn't home to feed me, also why are my internets slow and please I can't keep up with cat memes please release them slower.