
For Vista users,
Make sure to update to Service Pack 2, install all .net framework patches available, restart computer and try to run it again

Windows 8 user: Right click and run as Admin, if that does not work, right click, choose properties and change the compatibility to Windows 7, then repeat the first step.

For Vista users, try the solution i suggest, if that does not work then this may be the cause, in which case this article might help Tiny

it's not the number of changes, but the number of groups you create.

don't hit disband. just hit update after a change
Just to let you know Tiny, i have actually seen that happen just once back on v1.8 RL was updating the description, not disbanding group, and he got auto added to my list. Again, only have seen it occur once though.

v1.9 Fixed Disconnects and battle.net issues

*note: posted this on the general forum, but wanted to express it here to, for those that jump right to the oqueue forum*


Have been using it since release everyday forming groups and joining.

No delay or very little delay in invites, and i don't have to click the damn button more than once to get wait listed.

excellent work Tiny, and to any person that contributed to it.

P.S. Also fixed FPS stuttering (due to battle.net disconnects and immediate reconnects), and Memory usage lowered

v1.9 Fixed Disconnects and battle.net issues


Have been using it since release everyday forming groups and joining.

No delay or very little delay in invites, and i don't have to click the damn button more than once to get wait listed.

excellent work Tiny, and to any person that contributed to it.
I should clarify that when i say i was having battle.net issues, when oqueue was enabled, and WoW was launched using the desktop app, about every 60-90 seconds i would get a
You have been disconnected from battle.net followed immedetely by
You have been connected to battle.net

It would then freeze for about 1 second after the connection message. The whole time logged into the game it was like that until i did the above mentioned "Exit battle.net desktop app, and sign in to the wow client directly" method. Now my chat box is free from that message the whole time playing.

Rwait made a intersting point earlier that the issue may be related to using the battle.net app:

CONFIRMED: Did exactly what that poster did. Closed the battle.net desktop app, logged out, then logged in again through just the wow client. No battle.net issues at all!

There has been some speculation that is may be related to having close to 100 bnet friends while running oQueue. We cannot confirm this.

However in the mean time while we work on what may be happening. Please try to limit the number of uneeded friends on your friends list. It *MAY* help mitigate the issue.
I thought this as well, so i removed 27 realid friends, saw no difference. It could possibly be on Blizzard's end, their code may not be up to par to handle all the oqueue traffic, who knows. I'll just blame blizzard.

My diablo3 crashes all the damn time bc I have OQ installed in my wow folder even though its not even running when wow isnt open. Oh wait, D3 has been crashing like mad due to problems with b.net for weeks, and it has nothing to do with OQ lol.

B.net=fisher price servers

Yes i would be incline to belive that if, disabling oqueue didn't resolve all those problems for me.
Updated to 1.8.8c log into game, espeically while in an oqueue premade constant battle.net drops and reconnects. The best part is the game freezes for about 1 second right after the reconnect. Makes it kind of annoying when trying to heal a raid.

Logged out, disable oqueue, log back in, no battle.net drops the rest of the next boss, so it seems to be a problem some where with oqueue.

Side note, have no idea why i have to click the wait list button like 20-30 times before i finally get on their wait list, or i click it once, and i'll hear the ding about 2 minutes later.