
oQueue: Not Qualified Error

I tried to queue up for a SoO 25N at Malkorok this evening. My lock has the same lockout (8/14N) for this week. I met the item level requirements. However, when I tried to wait list, all I got was "not qualified", but no specific reason. Usually I'll get a specific reason, like item level too low, invalid role, invalid class, but I don't here.

There were two of them listed at the time. One I managed to wait list for, the other which I highlighted gave me the error. Later on I tried waitlisting for the one I was successful with before, and I got that error as well. Any idea what could be causing this?

Hmm...that would make sense, except I'm currently queued for Garrosh kills where raid lockouts are showing as 13/14 without an error. I have had a few give me a not qualified error though, even though my item level is at or above what's listed as the minimum.

I'm honestly not sure why the lockout would be set to work both ways. If I've killed nothing in normal SoO this week, then theoretically I could get into any normal SoO raid on oQueue, provided I meet the other requirements (item level, class, etc). If it's intentional by design I believe it should be re-examined.

oQueue: Raid Lockout Issue

On my 555 mage I've been trying to get into some normal 10/25 Garrosh kills on oqueue. I have qualified checked, and yet for some of them I get an error when trying to queue saying "not qualified: raid lockout". Now, I understand how the raid lockout is supposed to work in oqueue. However, my particular issue is that my mage HAS no lockout for SoO this week. I'm 0/14 for this week. Why am I still getting raid lockout errors on some of the ones I queue for? I'm running the latest version of oqueue.