
Authored Addons

Comergy Redux

Created: 10/27/14 - Downloads: 246 - Monthly Downloads: 154
Comergy Redux is an add-on for monitoring players power. It currently supports all primary powers and most secondary. It allows for many customizations including colors, sound notifications, bar partitioning, size, orientation, and textures. Use /comergy or /cmg to open the setting window. Special thanks to yjoe61, the author of the original Comergy, for allowing me to expand and update this ...

Comergy 2

Created: 11/06/14 - Downloads: 10 - Monthly Downloads: 0
A new version of Comergy and Comergy Redux rewritten from the ground up to take advantage of newer Blizzard APIs, Ace3, SM3, and have better support for all classes with easy* addition of third party modules. The goal is to have this addon up and running for the start of WoD. At the very least that would mean Energy, Mana, Combo points and Chi. With others soon...