
A Small Suggestion/Request

Hey guys

It would be nice if the names of realms in oQueue were colored or otherwise marked based on type. For instance PvP realms could show up in red and PvE in green or something similar. I don't know what type every realm is, and although I can tab out and look it up, having it right there in oQueue would be a nice QOL improvement.

I would much rather not group with and be transported to a PvP realm... ever.
If you hold shift it will pause the list of premades from scrolling.

You wiill see **Paused** in the uper right hand corner.

As for the /hail thing, we know its kind of annoying, but thats kind of the point :P. When users do not update, it causes some real issues, and we endup answering the same question 1,000 times, so we are "encouraging" users to update. Sorry for the annoyance.

Ha, hold shift? The simple things. Thanks a ton for that. Thanks for explaining the /hail thing too. I understand.

Much love.
First let me say I absolutely love this addon. I have been using it since flex has been a thing, and it has greatly enhanced my enjoyent of the game. This is coming from someone who is on a very active server (Whisperwind and formely Stormrage).

There are two suggestions I have.

It is rather annoying when I am looking at the list of premades and the list is moving around like crazy. I'll mouse over to click waitlist and before I do that premade has shot to some other part of the list! Maybe there is some setting or trick to fix this, but if not some "grow down" option where the list stays put would be nice.

Also, and forgive me for this one, I really, really don't like how oQueue makes my character /hail when it needs an update. Don't godmod me *smiles*