
Suggestions for Improvement for OQ on WoW.

1. Make the Subject Line of the Premades more streamline so things are easier to find when searching for group especially because the "Premade" column is sortable.
2. Provide a search feature to allow a query for a premade. Would be particularly nice to have if #1 (see above) is also added.
3. Add "Denied" message to person looking for a group so that we know they don't want you in the group. Often you put yourself on the waitlist and then just sit there no knowing if the group got it. Then if the user gets denied, change the "wait list" icon somehow to show thi (ie. color, verbiage to "Denied", etc.) to make sure we don't apply to the same group again.
4. Provide an ability to better sort out Fresh groups versus Partially Completed groups. Not sure how to do that. Perhaps color the entire line?
5. The pace of the entries getting refreshed is really fast making it hard to actually click on the "Wait List" button. Not sure a solution other then sorting by date created (which would need to be added).
6. Raids: LFR's shouldn't be in raid list. WoW already groups up LFR's. These add to the congestion imho. Should really be promoting Normal/Heroic raids. Perhaps a way to separate Flex with Normal/Heroic would be helpful too?