
500 Server Error; cannot connect Battle.net account

I've been receiving 500 Server Error when trying to connect my Battle.net account to my SolidIce account for several days now. Is there a fix for this?

I can no longer manually add characters to SolidIce, so any progress on newer characters I've made continues unrecorded.

Error: "One or more of your toons could not be retrieved from th

"One or more of your toons could not be retrieved from the WoW Armory."

I started having this error pop up after login a few days ago with no effect on my raffle ticket progress, but now my ticket progress is resolutely stuck at 96% despite having run a butt-ton ton of heroic dungeons between yesterday's login and today's. I tried deleting each of my linked toons and re-adding them, and it seems that Kaiza-Uldum-US is the problem toon. I saw from another thread (<- thread link) a while back that their problem had to do with recently-linked realms, but Uldum has been linked with Antonidas for months and this error only manifested within the last week. What can I do to fix this?