
Realm Region symbols

Is there possibly anyway to develop a symbol to show if a person is from the US realms, or the Oceanic realms? I don't know all the realms and who's who, but I'm getting slightly annoyed with people who don't state that they're Oceanic if they are.

I don't know, just a thought.

TY for the fix!

I'm very pleased with what you did in 1.8.6b to fix the OQ chat overtaking General Chat problem.

TY!  Nicely done.
Will it affect the addon if I /resetchat each time?  In 1.8.5c the addon would....I guess, smoosh all the listings into one line.  Was the me doing that or was that OQ?

OQ Channel

Is there anyway to make the oqchannel not /1 and instead like /4.  It's driving me nuts everytime I log in that I have to reset all my channels.