
Just used my hearthstone and it's working :/ not sure whats up with that XD

Problem is still active today... I cannot see or create premades :( it's just blank, Time is setup right, I've tried reinstall everything :/

OQ Stopped working

Hello! :D

I have a problem, I wait listed a grp and got battletag invited but no grp, afterwords OQ froze up, nothing was updating, I relogged and apon relogging got the message along the lines of I needed to setup a battletag. Well I fixed that problem but now OQ is blank, I have 0 listings from anyone, I've checked forums trying to figure out how to fix it but nothing is working, I can click Find mesh and it still puts someone on my battle tag but no premades... even at this time of morning I have never had OQ blank :/

Thank you!