
If I am on OQ and enter a raid not knowing it is being used to make someone else money and none is shared with me nor is it even mentioned to me, you think that is ok?

Abuse of OQ for Monetary Gain

Stimulated- Main
Alts- Angelpriest, Simspally, Bloodpally, Enviromental, Lousymonk, Freezingcold, Traxius, Azmarial

This player sells Flex and Normal Soo runs on Stormrage. He advertises them daily, receives buyers then uses the OQ addon to get a group and then carry his buyers to their kills. He DOES NOT tell anyone from OQ he is selling these runs, does not share the gold and pockets all funds for himself.

This is not illegal by Blizzard standards but ethically it is wrong for OQ users simply wanting kills and groups. He has hundreds of kills on OQ as a result and the amount of people being used is countless. This is 100% abuse of the system imo.

Here are screenshots of his advertisements in trade chat on Stormrage, feel free to log onto Stormrage at anytime day or night and see his spam.
