
Here is a screenshot of what I'm talking about...

See... 2 tanks, 2 dps, 0 healers... that indicates 4 members of the group. But hovering over it, it shows 10 members and 5 in the wait list.

The result of this is that the main listing is totally unreliable for determining which groups to try to queue for. You have to hover over each one, and look for groups that are not actually full.

Note the version number...
The wording is actually horrible.

On the screenshot, there's no indication of what is being paused, or that you have to hold shift. (Oh yeah, also, if the filter box has focus, holding shift does nothing...)

And the tip given in the "snowman" thing... first, it's referred to as a "hint" not as "documentation" or even a "how to use this addon" or anything. And the actual "hint" is almost useless. "holding SHIFT on the find-premade tab"... (except when the filter box has focus)... "will PAUSE the list until released"... Pause it from doing what? You assume too much of your users.

Listen, I get it... as a software developer myself, I understand the problem. YOU know your software backwards and forwards... but it's very easy to lose perspective... You don't see the program the way a brand new user sees it, so it's confusing when people don't "get it". It's quite baffling sometimes when a user just doesn't understand something that seems so intuitive to you.

This is why it's beneficial for developers to try their hand at documentation writing, especially on their own programs. I had to do that for a contract last year, and I actually found some ways my own program could have its flow and layout improved simply because I had to write down exactly how to use it for a brand new user under the assumption they had never seen it before.

Don't take it so damn personally, Tiny. You do good work... but you can do better, and improve yourself.

(This is 15+ years of development experience, and 4+ years of teacher education talking... )
"@Ky... seriousy, please look at the screenshots at least before posting... it's right up there next to the big DOWNLOAD button."

I really wish people would quit being so goddamned high and mighty about shit like this.

The documentation for this addon is crap. The screenshot isn't all that intuitive. People will ask questions. If you don't like it, well... no one is forcing you to answer...

I am going to try this solution that ghostlier suggested. Will update with what I find.

ETA: 11,590 files, over 350mb of data... holy crap that's a lot of cache files.
"I am offended that some guy may get some girl (who is not me) to do something I don't approve of... because I am fully and totally qualified to make decisions for other women, to tell them how they ought to behave. I have such a low opinion of other women, and a high opinion of my own sense of morality, I have deemed myself the protector of their lives... because they're stupid, you see... they're too stupid to turn down such an offer themselves, so I have to work diligently to protect them from their own stupidity."

^^^ Translation of what the OP is ACTUALLY saying.

In raids, during combat.

Why? Is it only supposed to be showing when people do it when out of combat or something?

"Who Popped Lust" has never worked for me...

Is there a reason for why the option "Who Popped Lust" isn't working for me?

One question...

I have been using Oqueue for a few months now, and I have figured out a lot of the ridiculously undocumented things... but something still confuse me...

How is it that a 10 man raid will show 0 tanks, 2 healers, and 8 dps in the list, and be mid-fight on Garrosh? This is just one example of something I see a lot. Why is Oqueue not showing a group as having what they ACTUALLY have? I *KNOW* they're not fighting garrosh without any tanks...

Then there's this... RIGHT NOW, I'm looking at a group with 1 tank, 1 healer, 1 dps... but I hover over it and it says "Members: 10". THIS IS MADDENING! I queue for them thinking they need people, but they don't. It's misleading.

Any idea why this is happening?