
I figured it out. I unchecked the qualified box. However, there is something wrong with the qualified feature because I was qualified for a lot of the raids that were hidden.

Only 30 pre-mades out of over 200 are showing.

I tried find mesh, reloading ui, relogging, reinstalling and it still isn't showing all the raids in oqueue. My boyfriend in the same room opened oqueue and saw over 60 in his raid section while I only saw 11 listed. Very frustrating as I don't know what the issue is.

1.8.8 Extremely Slow

The past few days I've noticed a lot of lag when waitlisting, and sometimes not waitlisting at all even though I know the group is not full and still looking for more. The connection has been showing something like '352 - 2'. All the premades are showing as far as I know; its waitlisting that's the issue. Someone else I know is having the same issue. Is this something you would have to fix or us?
Yup, the highlight is lost and im no longer waitlisted. However, as long as I don't scroll it out of the frame I can still exit out of oqueue and open it up again and it will still be there. Thanks for looking into it!

Taken off wait list when it scrolls out of frame

Now when I waitlist for things if I move to another category or the things I am on waitlist for scroll out of the frame, when I go back to look at it it's no longer highlighted and I have to waitlist again.

Also, often the waitlist button does not work. This has been an issue way before the recent update.