Oqueue is supposed to help on creating inter-realm groups of players. When this function about controlling lockouts from raids, preventing players to queue up to waitlist is added, the main purpose of this addon is obstructed.
From some weeks, and this is getting worst, its hard to queue up for raid because the addon is not working at it should and blocking players who whant to join other players and they could.
An example:
I played Soo this week till Shamans so my raid lockout is 6/14, now i wanna join an oqueue grp to defeat Garrosh, but i can't join waitlist of the event because the event is created with 0/14 lockout, and oqueue assumes we will conflict. Thats WRONG.
It happens event creators do not own saves or they create event and when raid is full, someone shares its raid lockout.
So please, go back to times when oqueue just help us to create pugs and play together, and stop adding these functions. They dont help at all.
Sorry for my english, btw. Im trying my best.