People abusing OQ and wasting people's saves.

I understand it's a risk that we take in joining someone's raid, but isn't there a way to mark someone's karma down for wasting someone's save (after you've been kicked)? This is the second week in a row I've gotten into a raid and been removed. The first time was for calling someone out for prioritizing loot to someone he was selling a run to, the second was without a reason. Thus my save for the week has been screwed, thanks to some inconsiderate individual. I understand your first thoughts are going to be that I'm not geared or the like, but that's not the case. I'm 572 on two different toons, and 563 on the last. I know how to play my classes, and just find this frustrating. Would be nice to be able to mark down their karma or something to give the next person an indicator that that individual is at a high risk of screwing them.

Rant done, I understand y'all are busy and really appreciate allowing the use of this addon to the general masses. If it's not plausible or possible, so be it. Just sucks.

Thanks for your time,
everything is logged, click on log icon to blacklist them

im not sure about karma, and its not permanent afaik, resets after 24 hours.... raid lock vise its not optimal to karma ppl down...
i thought you wouldn't get saved to an instance until you've downed a new boss. just entering and accepting doesn't keep the lockout, does it?

as for giving karma for doing that to you, use the log button in the upper left (or type /log). be aware, you can only give karma to members of a group you've been in for more then 10 seconds. also, you can only give karma for 2 hours after joining (got to stop it somewhere)
for normal raids no but for heroics yes this same thing happened to me today
Thank you, wasn't aware of the log bit. Will make use of it from now on.

You won't be saved until a boss is downed Tiny, what's happened is in the first instance the individual was prioritizing loot to a 542 warrior that was ungemmed/unenchanted. Doing a loot countdown before distributing, a warforged ring dropped and before it got passed out he kicked the only other plate dps in the group (that happened to be from my server), who then pm'ed me asking why he was removed. On the same boss, a tank trinket dropped that neither tank needed, he auto looted it to the warrior after he put roll without clarifying MS or OS, after the following boss I asked him why he didn't do a countdown for it and why was he randomly passing loot to the warrior without giving anyone else a shot. I was immeditely booted from the group, thus my save being screwed at the 3rd boss.

The second time was yesterday, I join a group, wait 30 minutes till they finally pull ... boss dies, wait another 15-20 minutes while they figure out loot with some addon, comes to an item that fits the spec I use and boom, kicked out of the group without warning.

I apologize for the long winded examples, but giving you a general idea of why I'm even bothering to post here. I'm sure others can and will understand my frustrations in this matter.

Again, I appreciate the feedback and will apply the log button method for that.

I get the issue with the raid leader not passing loot out fairly. but, how is your save screwed? cant you continue it with another group? Get someone else to lead after you form it and boom, take down more bosses. Unless it was the only boss you needed anything from, im not seeing the whole picture i guess.

If he's running heroic, then yeah likely his save is screwed for the week. But, I can also understand needing something like say one of those fancy socketed rings, seeing one of them drop and wanting it, just to kinda get bait and switched by getting kicked out. Not only does it really frustrate you all in all, but that also means the thing you wanted you will have to wait at least til next week to drop. That right there would screw my entire week over if something dropped for my toon and someone just said "lol" and kicked me.


I'm not trying to come across as an ass in saying this, but have you ever been kicked or left a group within the first couple bosses and then have to spend x amount of time trying to find another group that's at that particular boss? And then, when you find a group for that boss, chances are it's an undergeared group that is going to wipe consistently. The point is that it's a huge headache. I tried reforming my own group and sat in Open Raid, and OQ watching the wait list for over 2 hours between homework and food, only 3 people qued up. It's not easy to just up and find another group without having to skip bosses that may contain loot/valor. I'm not here to complain about the fact I was kicked, I came with the intent to try and find a way to address the problem of people wasting people's save, or a way to indicate that said individual has a tendency of doing that. I found the answer with the blacklisted bit, but that's not going to save the next person. Either way, my problem is somewhat solved.

as stated above, it does suck. no question. yes its happened to me, not on a heroic raid but nonetheless i was a little mad. after that tho, i didnt have to find people that were saved specifically to that boss. as long as you start and enter the raid first, unless it's been changed, the lead claims the progression for the rest. i.e.: kicked at downing norushen, form own group with me as lead, go in, raid is at sha, pass it to whoever i please after instance is entered. or keep it myself. overall, one major thing that oQueue has the upper-hand on over joining an LFM is the blacklist. the only disadvantage i see using oQueue over LFM is not being able to whisper said group after raid due to the servers.

however, blacklisting only covers that one person, and any groups he's in currently(whether he leads or not, obvi taking away other players that may be good while he's in them). while this is an excellent feature there still doesnt seem to be any way of stopping history from repeating itself with a different lead. oQueue or otherwise.

tl;dr: ninjas gonna ninja.
No offense but why not make your own groups if ur this skilled and responsible with loot, need more ppl like this raidleading anyway. This would solve yours and others ppls problems. In a random group u sadly have to expect that BS. I RARELY am not the leader of group, because I know its gonna be fair that way. If you care enough to complain here, u can care enough to lead groups. GL
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