People abusing OQ and wasting people's saves.


I regularly do lead my own groups. My win/lose ratio on OQ is fairly high because of it too. Having three toons that are fairly well geared and having to "lead" three different runs a week and maintain a life with a relationship isn't really on par with reality. It's a lot easier to just que up in a fresh run and go as far as the group is able.

As I mentioned to the other gentleman, I did not come here with the intention of complaining. I was seeking a way in which to have those who choose to abuse this addon to be penalized for it, or at least be flagged so that the next person who wants to join has some form of forewarning. I got my answer by the blacklisting them.

I appreciate your input, but unfortunately I'm going to have to continue to take my chances with the kids that are out of school for the summer each week till they go back. Thankfully, I'll be able to mitigate the jackasses that pull this crap until I can find something a little more stable group wise.

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