games update too fast

At some point Eagle, we probably will take the time to make documentation. At the moment there are a few blockers stopping us from doing this:

- oQueue is actively being developed and changed, with only 2 of use, tiny doing oQueue and me doing the site, we don't have a lot of time in general to work on the projects, let alone produce documentation.
- With oQueue changing often, we are looking to get the addon to a point where we can sit back and let it be for alittle before producing any documentation, to avoid having to change it too often as most of the changes now, are to core components.
- Most of the documentation we have produced, which is not much, seems to go unused. This is kind of de-motivating when it comes to producing other documentation.
- Im working on "redoing" this site with many improvements. This new version will include improved ways of produced and display documentation. Any real documentation would look to utilize those capabilities after ive completed that development.

For the most part the FAQ sticky in the oQueue forums is the main source of documenation at this time, I don't have exact numbers, but I don't think toomany people even look at it.

yes it was in an obvious spot, I did not see it in the screenshot initially and then everytime I saw the screenshot afterwards I didnt look at it because I thought I had seen it all.

as far as the tips I went through all of them at the start when I was first learning the software but I didnt understand the software at the time and I had just started playing WoW so I was trying to take in alot. the tips are forced upon me so I just close them on reflex since they keep popping up when I didnt need them (I only encountered the jumping issue recently) and so I forgot the tips existed

obv. i feel like an idiot for missing them but shit happens :P

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