games update too fast

is there anyway to keep the lobbies from moving around so fast? I click to join a thok normal raid and suddenly it jumps 6 places down the list then 4 seconds later it jumps another random 5 spots. I understand the game constantly refreshes its database of open games but this is ridiculous I have accidently joined 3 raids today because of how fast the lobbies move around.

also yes I know i can set search paremeters for things such as "thok" " "norm" which does work but sometimes it excludes raids I want to get into.
Press and hold shift and it will stop it from updating visually on the screen.
@Ky... seriousy, please look at the screenshots at least before posting... it's right up there next to the big DOWNLOAD button.

in 1.95, you can now click the greyed out 'PAUSED' label in the top right. a green bar will appear just behind the label... and start getting shorter. it's a countdown bar. while it's there, the list will be paused. once it runs out, the list will go back to refreshing.

left clicking will toggle the countdown bar on and off

right clicking will always turn it off

SHIFT will start work to toggle it on and off
"@Ky... seriousy, please look at the screenshots at least before posting... it's right up there next to the big DOWNLOAD button."

I really wish people would quit being so goddamned high and mighty about shit like this.

The documentation for this addon is crap. The screenshot isn't all that intuitive. People will ask questions. If you don't like it, well... no one is forcing you to answer...

documentation? seriously?!

people don't read the five(5) words written in fat, neon markers right on the main picture, yet you think they'll go through an actual document??

never happen

hell, i'd bet less then half the users have read the snowman's hints in-game

if they had, hint #5 would have answered the above question....

Given how often people are confused by this, I think updating the wording of the hint and of the help screenshot would be useful. I'm guessing that people don't understand the implications of 'pause'. A useful update to the hint would be, "Finding the list update too fast to click? Holding SHIFT on the find-premade tab will visually pause the list until released, to allow easier selection." For the screenshot help, not sure how to make it a single word that is informative, but note that 'SHIFT' in the picture is the key, while all the other one-word hints are intended actions, like filter and reset, again with people asking here so often, people aren't understanding. Maybe SHIFT TO PAUSE LIST would be better, even if longer than the others' one-word explanations, to work in the intended action into the explanation.

I think a little update like that would cut down on people repeatedly asking this question in the forums.
The wording is actually horrible.

On the screenshot, there's no indication of what is being paused, or that you have to hold shift. (Oh yeah, also, if the filter box has focus, holding shift does nothing...)

And the tip given in the "snowman" thing... first, it's referred to as a "hint" not as "documentation" or even a "how to use this addon" or anything. And the actual "hint" is almost useless. "holding SHIFT on the find-premade tab"... (except when the filter box has focus)... "will PAUSE the list until released"... Pause it from doing what? You assume too much of your users.

Listen, I get it... as a software developer myself, I understand the problem. YOU know your software backwards and forwards... but it's very easy to lose perspective... You don't see the program the way a brand new user sees it, so it's confusing when people don't "get it". It's quite baffling sometimes when a user just doesn't understand something that seems so intuitive to you.

This is why it's beneficial for developers to try their hand at documentation writing, especially on their own programs. I had to do that for a contract last year, and I actually found some ways my own program could have its flow and layout improved simply because I had to write down exactly how to use it for a brand new user under the assumption they had never seen it before.

Don't take it so damn personally, Tiny. You do good work... but you can do better, and improve yourself.

(This is 15+ years of development experience, and 4+ years of teacher education talking... )
sorry, basic language skills are expected. if it's not in your language, then state it as such and a translation may be provided. the snowman's page is shown immedately upon first run and will popup once a week after that. there is no excuse to claim you've never seen it.

otherwise, if you cannot discern what key to press when the first two words are: "HOLDING SHIFT", or understand what such an action would do ("WILL PAUSE THE LIST") or where ("ON THE FIND PREMADE TAB") there really is no point and i would really rather you uninstall the software.


this from someone with 30+ years of software development experience.
This addon is extremely easy to use, as long as you have common sense, which sadly it seems, 50% or more of WoW users do not possess. EagleEye, you sir are a moron simply for the fact that you are trying to enable the idiots and make excuses for them. Tiny has done a perfectly fine job with the addon and needs to keep on the same path, not stray from the path to make a "Oqueue for DUMMIES" book for HIS addon. Like he stated, if you can't figure the addon out with what is already incorporated, QUIT USING IT. More power to ya Tiny for a damn good addon, keep up the good work.
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