
Game: World of Warcraft (6.0.2)
Updated: 10/20/14 02:30 pm
Version: v1.2.1
MD5: c9e46da6fa3fde9d8b9db68ab2798005
Monthly Downloads: 0
Total Downloads: 787
Created: 10/20/14
Project Site: View
License: All Rights Reserved
Any advertisements on this page directly support the author (Ulbrecht).

Author Details

Member since 02/18/14
Author of 1 addon(s)

About Broker_oQueue

What it does

This addon creates a LibDataBroker-1.1 "object" that allows you to manage oQueue from the safety and comfort of your favourite broker display.

  • Left-click the object to toggle oQueue's premade finder window.
  • Right-click the object to display a dropdown menu with various additional features.

Requires oQueue to work.

Requires a "broker display" addon. Examples include Bazooka, Chocolate Bar and Titan Panel.


Broker oQueue does not provide any configuration options.

However, most broker display addons do provide options to change what the object shows. Please refer to the addon's download page for more information.


This addon should work for everyone regardless of language.


If you have any comments, bug reports or feature requests, please leave a comment here or open a support ticket on WoWace or GitHub.

About the Author

This addon was lovingly made by Ethan Centaurai, who usually plays as Ulbrecht on Ghostlands-EU.