Producer Responsibility Extension for Packaging

Hi everyone! I recently started working with a company that exports products to several EU countries, and I’m trying to get a better grasp of the regulatory requirements, particularly in Hungary. I’ve heard about something called the Producer Responsibility Extension (EPR) for packaging, but I’m a bit confused about what it actually entails. Can someone explain what the EPR in Hungary covers and how it affects companies that sell packaged goods? What specific obligations do we need to be aware of? 

The Producer Responsibility Extension (EPR) for packaging in Hungary is a key regulation that companies need to be aware of if they are involved in the sale of packaged products in the country. In simple terms, epr requires producers, which includes manufacturers, importers, and even online sellers, to take responsibility for the environmental impact of their products, specifically focusing on packaging waste. This means that companies must not only ensure that their packaging is environmentally friendly but also participate in the collection, recycling, and disposal of packaging waste. or a detailed guide on how to comply with these regulations, especially for companies selling in Hungary, you might find this resource helpful: It provides a comprehensive overview of the requirements and steps to ensure your company stays compliant.

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