Will the Admin ever get around to answering questions posted to the forums? I have been waiting several days for a responce to a question, some help would be appreciated there Tiny.
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For Admin
I have both istalled but nothing seems to be updateing. My Oqueue is saying I have a new version but Icebox doesnt seem to be updating it automaticly and I dont see anywhere to click to update anything. I could just very well be lost but I am getting frustrated with confused with how this is set up nothing seems to be very clear to my not all that computer literate mind.
when you run icebox, it won't automatically update your addons. you must either click the 'update all' button or check the addon in particular and click 'update'
You didn't answer the question, where is this button to be found? is it on this site? cause I can't find the thing anywhere.
Check the oQueue check box, and press the update button.

And yet again where do I find this page? I can't find it anywere. guess I am back to deleting and reinstalling it everytime there is a update because that seem to be the only thing that works. Love Oqueue but it is a bitch when it doesn't work right.
it's the Icebox app, it says so in the title bar in the screenshot... its not a page on the site.
if you have the icebox application installed and you're doing more then run-icebox/check-oQueue/update/reload-wow (literally less then 10 seconds)... you're over complicating it.
take a breath and orient yourself.
1. exit wow
2. see icebox application on your desktop (if not, more/save it there)
3. double click the icon with the left mouse button
4. see the icebox application... wait for server connection
5. see list of addons, including oQueue
6. left-click the mouse on the black square on the left side of the oQueue line
7. see the 'update' button above the list of addons
8. left-click the mouse on the 'update' button
9. watch the download status bar on the oQueue line.
10. when it changes to 'installed' ... exit icebox and log into wow
that's about as detailed as i can get.
take a breath and orient yourself.
1. exit wow
2. see icebox application on your desktop (if not, more/save it there)
3. double click the icon with the left mouse button
4. see the icebox application... wait for server connection
5. see list of addons, including oQueue
6. left-click the mouse on the black square on the left side of the oQueue line
7. see the 'update' button above the list of addons
8. left-click the mouse on the 'update' button
9. watch the download status bar on the oQueue line.
10. when it changes to 'installed' ... exit icebox and log into wow
that's about as detailed as i can get.
Thank you for a answer I can understand and to why I dont see anything, I dont have a desktop icon to click so I guess I'll have to uninstall and repeat the process to see if I can get one to show. Thanks again for clearing things up it is all I wanted in the first place. Now I find the that my security program doesnt like it and keeps deleting the app, damn Norton.
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