Trememoita - TolBarad is a ninja

Was running with him in a normal SOO 10m on OQ when we downed the 4th boss and the chest token dropped. Loot was set to ML but when I won the roll with a 100 for the chest I was immediately removed so he could give it to his friend in the group.

in his case it's the US side of battle net tickets that he needs to use
Looking at the SSs you posted, loot was not set to ML, but was set to NBG. If the item did not hit your bags or your mailbox, then it is possible that someone else also rolled Need - 100 and the system gave the item to them. Hopefully you did put in a ticket to find out where the drop went, though the GM will more than likely tell you to try again next week.
Not quite true Bare. As a master looter you have the option to put a rolling screen up for players in the group. It does not award the loot however, it only shows the loot master which roll won. I imagine in a 25 man raid it could be troublesome to keep track of the rolls, and this system simply makes it easier than using /roll.
unless he stated the loot rules in chat, the GMs *PROBABLY* won't do anything. I say probably, because your milage may vary and you might get a super-awesome GM.

It's always a good idea to ask the ML to post the loot rules in raid chat (if they just say "MS>OS", ask them to clarify that highest roll wins, etc). According to the ~3 GMs i've spoken to about ninjas, it's the only guarenteed way to get the rightful winner their item (even if it's not you).

but going by the screenshots, it doesn't look like it was ML (most pug RLs won't go thru the hassle of selecting people to roll, they'll just ask for a /roll), but need before greed as others have said.
Interesting. I have not done any cross realm raids other than LFR and Flex so was not exposed to that feature. As far as server raiding goes, I've pretty much stuck to a static group which used the Don't Be An Ass system (if you win something, you don't roll again till all other possible users have won unless no one else wants it).
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