Couldn't respond on my post said not found or something.
I meant the WoW in game tool UI is terrible. Was asking for an adaption to oQueue to be a UI addon. :)
Couldn't respond on my post said not found or something.
I meant the WoW in game tool UI is terrible. Was asking for an adaption to oQueue to be a UI addon. :)
I am not even using the new ingame feature because the UI is so bad. I just use facebook groups atm.
Couldn't respond on my post said not found or something.
Ah yes. I am still tracking down this bug. Annoying little fella it is.
the UI is so bad
Lol yah I think its great they are providing a back end for the groups but the UI was a little meh.
Hopefully oQueue will be able to work out some of the kinks its having consuming the group finder data and provide that alternative for people.