Rating too low?

so whats this now? created a flex 4 with my 541 shaman, min ilvl req 540. after a few min, notice nobody is in waiting list. look under "find premade" i do not see my premade, and only like 5 others with the search for "flex". i uncheck qualified and like 20 more pop up, including my own, i mouse over and it says not qualified, rating too low.....so whats this new "Rating" and how am i unqualified for my own premade? how do i see a flex 1 with no ilvl req, yet "rating too low"

what is this rating?

Rating is normally used for PvP rating. It shouldn't be on your Raid Premades, double check that the field is left empty, if it's still a problem, may be enter a 0 there and check again.

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