raid lockout conflict - can you please just remove it?

I know it's not an OQ bug tiny, obviously it's a RL issue. My point is that I see it happen very frequently, and it is very frustrating.

As OP has said, it should be up to players to remember their own lockouts. At the very least, might I suggest adding a tip to the number you have reminding players to use the correct subtype for their raids?

Better yet, if you wish to keep the system in place, make it so when you attempt to waitlist for a group with a lockout conflict, bring up a warning screen telling the player of the conflict, but allow them to ignore it and waitlist for the group anyway. This way, if it is indeed a bug at the time, it won't stop the player from raiding.
I am getting very frustrated about this myself. The problem I witness is that about 50% of raid creators call their raid SOO at Nazgrim or wherever they are, while having a fresh ID. The raid starts from a later boss but only people with a clear ID can queue. While the raids wont get full I am having trouble to join.

Is the lockout restriction created automaticly or do most raid creators do it by mistake? Anyway the way this feature is working out right now means nothing but frustration and I agree that the best thing to do would be to just to remove it.

@Apotheosis: I remember addressing the auto restriction to tiny a long time ago and that was fixed. When you create a raid premade, SoO is automatically selected first and Flex is selected as the difficulty.

If people are still fooling around with that they're dumb. And they are because there are still premades named Flex but showing a SoO N lockout.

That said, I think the easiest pseudo-fix from here would be to allow us to message a raid lead without having to Waitlist their group (incase you can't waitlist, like in this issue.). At least then we can /slap the raid leader for being dumb and tell him to fix his raid settings.
msg'ing the RL without waitlisting won't happen.

if it existed, the trolling and various other crap would be nonstop
But, we have banlists, right?

The in-game raid browser even allows for messaging between players pre-invitation. I've never been trolled on that front and I use it both ways, as a joiner and a leader.

That said if someone bothers me I can just /ignore.
blizzard removed the friend request message to supposedly stop gold sellers from spamming their ads. i can only imagine how bad it''ll be once gold sellers realize they can private message anyone on the raid-browser lists

we use to run a site called ... some of the stuff people would send was extremely offensive. i'd prefer to avoid giving them easier access to that capability.
ive come across this bug and i think the problem is if a RL is saved to thok for example and advertising for garrosh, we wont be able to queue because our lockout conflicts with theirs. i dont think this is a problem with oqueue but infact blizzards side

I had this problem (once again) today.

I was trying to queue for a Garrosh grp and out of the 10 that were listed 6 was unavailable due to "raid lockout conflict". One of the grps was even hosted by a player that I had been in a grp with moments earlier (although he was not the leader of the previous grp).

I cant provide much insight into the configurations and raid-locks of the hosting players, but i noted that they were all listed as 10-man normal. My raidlock was such that i had done SOO HC bosses 1-3 and then continued on up to Garrosh on normal with various grps (Sha, Galakras, Juggernaut and Malkorok was skipped).

Could it have something to do with the hosting players also having done Heroics and our raid-locks therefore gets listed as incompatible?

In any case, I would have to agree with what one of the earlier posters said. In its current state this feature is more of a hindrance than a helper. Could it not be changed into a warning/notice for RL and queuer instead of stopping players from queueing?

I would also like to thank you for your efforts on this great add-on. For me, on a low-pop realm, its a life saver.


blizzard removed the friend request message to supposedly stop gold sellers from spamming their ads. i can only imagine how bad it''ll be once gold sellers realize they can private message anyone on the raid-browser lists

Tiny, how about adding a second button next to the waitlist one just to flag a premade as having errors (e.g. name the button "flag error").. and pass that flag to the premade creator so that he can check it?
The flag status should only be visible to the premade creator... maybe with a small counter next to it that shows how many people flagged the premade, and also, every person is only allowed to flag a premade once.

This way if many people flag the premade the leader will see the flag counter rising a lot and will figure out that something is wrong with their premade settings.. if just one or two people flag it.. that might mean it was flagged in error.

I think this will allow people to send some feedback to the leader without allowing them to compose actual messages.

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