Raffle Tickets

all levels count, it just depends what you do.

dungeon bosses are not tracked by the armory, so they don't count.
do i get dkp and raffle point at same time on one battle-tag?
dkp has nothing to do with raffle points, but there are situations where you can generate both
So i don't seem to be getting credit for kills today, have done celestials, ord, and the 4 world bosses. Still at 0% a couple hours later. Armory shows the boss kills, and my toon is linked.
world bosses don't count. LFR is very low

Tiny, I understand you don't want to give the numbers, so people don't game the system, but are there differences in raffle ticket progress between all raid difficulties?

You say LFR is low. Does normal give more than flex, and does heroic give more than normal?

Also, is there any chance you can change the system slightly so players can pool part or a full extra ticket before claiming, so progress isn't wasted when a person is close to finishing their ticket? Example, I could be at 98%, and I lose 10% of a raffle ticket simply because I gained 12% towards my next raffle ticket with a boss I killed.
in general, more difficult content will yield more raffle points.

as for overage... not sure. we'll consider it
whats the reason behind world bosses not awarding points?
the more difficult the content, the higher the points.
similarly, the easier the content, the less the points.
also, there must be armory tracking of the information.
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