oQueue 1.9.2 - feedback

edit: my issue was related to leaving queue as a group not joining.

yes.. that's what i do but when i need the group to leave queue.. i have to use the join queue button once to turn it into a leave queue button, press no for joining queue solo message, press the leave queue button for the rest of the group to get the leave queue button on their screen ..

i am not complaining... m i was just wondering if i should be doing something that m not.. i click it twice problem solved for me.
oohhhh now i get what your saying. Hmmm. Yah that seems like toomany steps just to leave que. Maybe tiny can refactor that a bit.
auto-convert to raid. trying to do some dailies while waiting in the 5day bg queue is no longer an option for me since update. keeps instantly convert the group back to raid everytime i change it.

used to be the otherway before patch, if i wanted to change it to raid for any reason oqueue changed it back to party.\

Edit: after i took a break and came back formed a new group this issue stopped.. not sure why or what changed.
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