Oq Removing me from lfr groups

Recently I noticed if I queue for multiple lfrs to run them in series. OQ seems to be causing me issues.

After I complete the first while still in the instance I get the popup for the next one. I accept the invite load into the instance and then immediantly leave group.
If OQ is not loaded this does not happen. Going dark on OQ isnt enough it has to be disabled from the addons screen and then the issue does not occur.

it could be the group leader from your first group removing you from his/her oQueue group. this tells your oQueue to leave group.

i'd recommend leaving your previous oQueue group before joining the next.

you can do it by clicking 'leave premade' on the main premade tab. you can also type '/oq harddrop' to clear out premade info when you enter the next group
He said lfr group =P This actually happend to me too today.

If you que for multiple lfr and then when you finnish first and que for next pop up and you take it you will get booted from lfr.
I think this is what he meant?
ah. not in an oQueue group, just doing LFR. gotcha.

it was cleaning up group info if you manually left. changed it to only clean the oQueue data and not drop group.

look for the fix in 1.94c
happened to me in a dungeon group too.. used the random dungeon finder.. first run went smooth and after we killed the boss we voted to proceed to another random dungeon.. the loading screen went up and... i ended up back in Stormwind with a 30-min deserter debuff.. WTF!?
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