OQ cant record my kills

My OQ cant record anything but my wipes. Everything on my OQ record list are 0, but leader:raid wipes. It shows 0-N. It can record my wipes so N is increasing, but the first number is always 0 , so my leader:dragon kill pts is 0.

I have tried to delete and re-install oq, but it didn't work. I even delete my WTF files, but the problem is remaining. Is there anything i can do about it? Its really frustrating that i cant gain any leader point, and cant get those cool little sword markers.

from my knowledge, deleting the WTF files or playing on multiple computers without syncing the savedvariables data between them will usually cause your stats to be reset.

Most of those stats are stored locally on your computer, the scorekeeper only checks that you don't tamper with them by increasing them ... it will happily let you reset them to zero though (either by deleting the WTF data or by changing the pc you're playing on).

As to the reason why the wins number is not increasing... can't say why... probably one of the developers can point us to a clue...

boss kills are only recorded if you have oQueue enabled at the time the boss is killed, and only for bosses that are level appropriate.

it is possible oQueue could miss the death notice. which boss have you been killing that hasn't been recorded?

I have been killing all SOO bosses in flex and normal. I didnt get any dragon kill pts from any of these killings. The only thing my OQ recoreded is my wipe times on these bosses.

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