Lockout Conflict Again

Are you serious?

This fucking bug.
idk but this is how i fixed it

1. create a premade for a raid
2. disband
3. you shold be able to que without lockout conflict
no you are wrong. that does not work
this should be fixed in 1.8.9 and 1.9.0
and yet it is not. theres even a guy on the facebook page mentioning it
Very anoying!!!! Any solution, patch or update?
no i think the author doesnt care
This seems to mainly happen when both sides have a different heroic lockout, regardless of the raid's difficulty. Well at least that's what happens whenever I have a heroic SoO lockout and want to join a group for a normal kill on garrosh. I assume the raid leader also have a heroic lockout because I only chose raid leaders with 6+ heroic progress when going for garrosh, makes things way easier...
Still no solution. Lazy programmers
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